Patrik Fitzgerald

[ This is Patriks own list. Here shown with minimal markup. ]

patrik fitzgerald songography/discography/a-z of officially released songs written by me

songs instrumentals and poems released written by patrik fitzgerald (including four co-writes)

A key is directly underneath the A-Z (examples: PPD means pay per download/TWM means
Treasures from the Wax Museum)
the initials refer to the titles of my official releases (6 EPs, 3 singles, 4 LPs and 6 CDs).
these are listed alphabetically underneath the a-z of songs. 

a bit of male liberation. DS a life sentence. DTV a perfect childhood.FP
a superbeing. T/PPD adopted girl. GS/VB/PPD all my friends are dead now. GS/VB/PPD/ASUTc
all sewn up. ASU/O/VB/PPD/ASUTc all the years of trying. GS/VB/PPD/ASUTc animal mentality. T/VB/PPD/ASUTc
as ugly as you. GS/VB/PPD/ASUTc author. PT

babysitter. PW/VB/PPD background paints the picture. PT backstreet boys. BB/VB/PPD/ASUTc
banging and shouting. SP/VB/PPD/ASUTc birth of human beings. FP bones in a graveyard. RS/FP
boy on a motorcycle.PT breathing's painful. PT/FP/O but not anymore. GS buy me sell me. BB/VB/O/PPD

chains instead of brains. DS charlie leads a life of crime. PT conventions of life. GS/VB/PPD

dance music late night. FP domestication. DTV/TWM/PPD don't feel safe. FP don't tell me because i'm young. GS
down. DTV down mexico way. TU dressing up in funny clothes. FP drifting towards violence. DTV/TWM/O/PPD
dying for someone else's money. PT/FP

exist. GT/TWM/PPD

factory of wines. TU family outing. DTV/TWM/PPD frozen dreams. PT

george. PW/VB/O/PPD gifts and telegrams. GT/TWM/PPD give it up. PT grey echoes (music by colin peacock). GT/TWM/PPD

hammersmith odeons. ASU handing out free magazines. RS he wants to hold the baby. PT how the fuck? DS/ASUTc

i don't believe. DS improve myself. IM/O/VB/PPD/ASUTc in this world. DTV irrelevant battles. PW/VB/O/PPD
island of lost souls. GT/TWM/FP/PPD/ASUTc

laughter far away ASUTc life at the top. PW/VB/PPD live out my stars. PW/VB/PPD/ASUTc little fishes. GS/VB/PPD/ASUYc
love limbo. FP lovers' pact. GS

make it safe (poem). GS mistery. DTV moon in the gutter (co write of a song by yehouda poliker). PT
mrs and mrs. T/TWM/PPD museum. FP my new family. IM my perfect world. DTV/TWM/PPD my secret life. GS/VB

newgate. RS no fun football. GS/FP/ASUTc no-one different. DS no reason. PT/DS nothing to do. GS

one by one. O/TWM/PPD/ASUTc one little soldier. GT/TWM/FP/PPD/ASUTc optimism/reject. SP/VB/PPD/ASUTc

palace of dreams. DS parentgames. GS patriots. RS personal loss. GT/PL/TWM/PPD/ASUTc pilot of the private yacht.
TU poll tax payers' street. FP poor john. TU/FP pop star pop star. WS/VB/PPD punch. GT/TWM/FP/PPD/ASUTc
putting wings on aeroplanes. TU

restless. PT room service. RS

sad girl on the underground. RS safety pin stuck in my heart. SP/FP/VB/O/PPD same coin different madness ASUTc
(music by motor incubator) scattered villages. DTV set we free. SP/VB/O/PPD smile. GT/TWM/PPD solve. GT/TWM/PPD
straight boy. PL

tears. PT 10,000 years of weeping. PT/FP the bingo crowd. PW/VB/PPD/ASUTc (instrumental version)/IM/VB/PPD
the early warning. TWM the finger of lesotho. TU/VB/PPD the little dippers. BB/VB/O/PPD the next revolution. SOR
the paranoid ward (poem). PW/VB/PPD/ASUTc the ragged generation (for real). PW/VB/PPD/ASUTc
the serving classes. TWM the shadow of a man. RS/FP/ASUTc the sound of my street. DS tired. SOR
tonight. T/TWM/O/PPD/ASUTc toros (music only with poem written by anne clark).O
travel through a dark (though scented) country (instrumental). GT trendy. BB/VB/PPD/ASUTc tunisian twist. TU

volcano TWM/PPD

waiting for the final cue. T/PPD waiting for the verdict. RS we seemed so suited. DTV
what can i do? RS what if? FP when i get famous. GS/VB/PPD/ASUTc wind outside mansions. RS
without sex. WS/DS work (poem with music). GT work rest play reggae. SP/VB/PPD/ASUTc
working hu-man's casino. DTV/TWM/PPD world is getting better. GT/TWM/PPD

yours is the cruellest crime. PW/VB/PPD/ASUTc your hero. GS

A-Z of codes
ASU all sewn up (single 1979)
ASUTc all sewn up tribute cover version (double cd and vinyl 2009)
BB backstreet boys (ep 1978)
DS darkside of the room (cd 2007)
DTV drifting towards violence (lp 1984)
FP floating population (cd 2006)
GS grubby stories (lp 1979)
GT gifts and telegrams (lp 1983)
IM improve myself (ep 1979)
O tracks released on other records or cds
PL personal loss (single 1983)
PPD cherry red licensed/ pay per download- see next blog up
PT pillow tension (cd 1994)
PW the paranoid ward (ep 1979)
RS room service (cd 1998)
SOR spirit of revolution (ep 2007) with attila the stockbroker
SP safety pin stuck in my heart (ep 1978)
T tonight (ep 1980)
TU tunisian twist (lp 1986)
TWM treasures from the wax museum (cd 1994)
VB very best of patrik fitzgerald (cd 1994)
WS without sex (single released under the name josef garret 1981)